In this time of uncertainty, I thought I’d try and brighten some days with sharing some photos of our new litter.  I’ve been getting a ton of inquiries for puppies “because we are home right now and have time.”  My phone and email are both going crazy and I’m left wondering, what happens when you don’t have time any more?  Unless you’ve been planning for a new puppy for awhile, it is not the time to bring one home.  I’m having lots of anxiety about placing these little ones, I typically like to meet potential homes in person several times and that obviously is going to have to be very different for these guys.  We’ll get through it, however I knowingly will not be breeding any of my dogs until the world is healthy and healing.

This litter was somewhat of a surprise, we of course planned and timed it properly and all the steps were taken like in any other litter.  Cricket (Embee Burbrook Silent Song) however missed on her first breeding and decided to not show any signs of being pregnant for this litter until very late.  She didn’t put on much weight and both her co-owner Peggy Wallace (Burbrook Cavaliers) and I were really surprised to find out she had 5 tiny babies tucked away.  They were born very small but have always been strong and feisty.  They are 4 weeks old now and doing wonderfully.  I’m enjoying listening to their little growls as they start to explore their world and figure out play.  Their names are all related to weather after their Daddy Finn, CH Embee Brinklow Whirlwind and their Grandpa Chase, GCH Burbrook Storm Chaser who was bred by Peggy and is owned by Carol Rose, Karlee Cavaliers

This is the little guy of the group, he was born the smallest and dropped the most amount of weight in the beginning.  I was the most worried about him but he’s turning into a very personable and curious little fella.  His name is also a bit of a tribute to a certain favorite video game around here.


His sister Raine wasn’t nearly as co-operative with her photos.  I think she’s going to be very sassy like her Mom and Grandma’s.  Typical black and tan girl!


Frost reminds me the most of his Daddy Finn, both in looks and temperament.  He’s the biggest of the group and very laid back and easy going so far.


His sister Twister on the other hand I think is going to live up to her name.  She’s a bit of a live wire and it was very hard to get a photo of her because she was moving around so much!


Last is Storm, a beautiful black and tan boy.  He is sweet as can be and very photogenic!  He really seemed to enjoy posing for photos.

Looking forward to sharing more photos as they grow and develop.  We’ll be spending a lot of time outside as the weather warms up.   Stay safe and stay home.