Embee Blogs (rarely)

January Snow Fun and a New Champion


January has been a month of ups and downs.  Just after New Years Day I came down with a horrible cold that quickly turned into bronchitis.  I was really sick for several days!  The only good news was that my flight to Hawaii for vacation was quickly approaching.  We had a fabulous time.. aside from that text message mishap and although I wasn’t able to snorkel as much as I usually do, I did manage to get some in.  The sun and warmth was just what the Doctor ordered and I came home feeling more like myself. 


I do have some exciting news to share though!  Raven, now known as CH Embee’s Highland Moon finished her title at the Elora Gorge Kennel Club on Dec. 27th.  She was Winners Bitch for a 3 point major under breeder Judge Kim Hamel.   This was an extra special day for us as Raven is her Co-Owner Wendy’s first Champion and first show dog.  It’s also the 5th black and tan Champion for our Molly (CH Mysticmoon’s Danika).  That gives Molly her ROM title (not confirmed yet) and I couldn’t be more proud.  I don’t think there has ever been a BT Bitch in Canada to earn an ROM, let alone a BT who’s Champion children are also black and tan!  To say we are thrilled is understatement. Sassy pants Molly has certainly left a huge mark on our breeding program.


Raven’s New Champion photo!


Sitting ringside with her giant New Champion ribbon! Such a nice touch from the Elora Kennel Club


Yesterday I took my camera outside with the dogs in the fresh snow.  There was lots of frisbee played before everyone started getting cold.  It’s not the warm weather of Maui but the fresh snow is really pretty for photos.  I hope you enjoy the action, my new camera and I are getting along fabulously!


Tug of war with Momma Ruff


Finn on a frisbee mission!


Ruffi loooooves frisbee


Talented girl, multitasking 😉


A black bear?! No, just Loki having a good shake. Lexi and her snow face looking adorable behind him


Snowflakes and frisbee babes


Behind the scenes!


Zooooom, good luck catching this wild redhead


Why do you gotta be so cute Taz?!


My next doggy adventure is planned for mid February in New York… any guesses?  Ruffi and I are going to have a lot of fun!   We’ll try and take some photos. 

Dog show, new camera and some sewing

The Caledon Kennel Association held their annual show at the International Centre at the end of November.  It is one of my favourite shows in the area and I am always excited to enter my dogs.  This year i missed the closing date, I was on the fence about showing and ended up being out of town on the last day to enter.  Most of my guys are either young and maturing or a bit out of coat.  The good news was that even though I didn’t enter, I had the opportunity just to go and watch, something I should do more of.  I watched the entire Toy specialty and it was fabulous.  My old camera was acting up a bit but I did get a few photos to share.

This gorgeous ruby boy is a Loki son, I think he’s one to watch for the future.


Big dark round eyes and a beautiful expression, I’m in love!

This beautiful blenehim boy below is Cody, owned by my good friends Marianne and Bob at Cempa Cavaliers.  At the Toy specialty he finished his Canadian Championship by going Best of Breed over several specials, placed 4th in Group and ended up Best Bred by Exhibitor in Specialty.  What a day for them!

Another of Cody

Norma also showed Mr. Rex.  We co-own Rex but if you ask him he belongs 125% to Norma.  He showed really well and was Winners Dog in the morning show for two more points towards his Championship.  He needs 1 point to finish his title. 


The next show for my guys will be Elora Gorge Kennel Club in Kitchener in between Christmas and New Years. 

My other exciting news here is that my new camera arrived.  On our last trip to Hawaii I dropped my camera on a cement floor.  It was still working but damaged, the focus was never completely correct again.  My first test subject was Loki, he had just had a bath.  He normally hates his photo taken but I have finally learned what he can’t resist working for, peanut butter. 

Look at this adorable peanut butter face and tongue!  Most importantly though.. in focus.

This one is slightly out of focus but this adorable expression kills me.  Love my stinky boy.

My next test subjects were SO CUTE.  I went and visited a good friend’s puppies. She was evaluating them as potential show prospects and wanted another opinion. I won’t tell you who as I don’t want her over ridden with puppy inquiries (they aren’t available)  but needless to say I am enjoying my new camera and her puppies are very nice. 

Look at these faces!


For those who are interested in Cavalier “essentials”, check out Embee Creates.  It’s not super fancy so if you have any questions about sizing let me know.  I’ll be posting snoods, pajamas, drying coats, etc as I have them available. In this house, they are all things that we use often.  I am not taking custom orders so check the page often if there is something specific you are after.  I sew them all myself. 

If you are near Kitchener and want something to do over Chirstmas, feel free to come and visit us at the Elora Gorge show!