Under the official ruling of Queen Molly, the month of June has been officially declared as birthday month. Every day must be entirely dedicated to the Queen and her wishes, lots of treats, bones(dental chew), and unlimited hugs and kisses….oh wait, I think that is everyday!  Happy Birthday Molly. 

It’s hard to believe that our Molly turned 6.  It doesn’t seem like very long ago that we were working on her Championship and delivering her first litter.  My breeding program owes so much to Karen at Mysticmoon Cavaliers for the foundation she entrusted me with.  Molly is a big part of that and she never fails to remind us that she really is that special.

Some of my favourite photos of our Queen

Molly and her son Calvin
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Her first time being a momma
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Goofy happy smiles, Loki and Molly. 
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Not long after my Mom brought her home on a “trial”.  Skinny, immature and just a year old.
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Season’s Greetings!
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Modelling new winter outerwear at a show for a friend
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Queen’s of course have to cross their paws when they sleep!
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Besides celebrating a birthday we’ve been attending lots of classes.  Ruffi and Loki learned about Rally O and we hope to continue with it in the summer.  I’d really like to have one of them ready for their first trial at the CKCSCC National Specialty.  We’ll see, they rock at it.. me I can’t keep the signs straight!

We’ve also been busy attending conformation classes and getting ready for some shows.  Ruffi and Zac are working on their Championships and our annual CFSO specialty show is at the end of June.   (Notice that the CFSO website has undergone a redesign? Yep, I’ve been busy)

Ruffi at handling class wondering why I’m taking her picture and not holding her lead!
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Glamour boy Zac picked up a few points last weekend by going Winners Dog at one show and then Winners Dog and Best of Winners at another. 
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See any resemblance?  Fenton looks like his Daddy Loki and is slow maturing like him too.  This smart little man has been busy taking classes for foundation agility, rally, and obedience work.
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CH Woodmere’s Princess Tara, Sadie’s Grandma, getting ready for the Specialty show.  At 13.5 she has the longest record of winning the old timer’s fun match in a row.  Both Zo and Mylee are sporting summer trims, so we’ll sit this one out and cheer for Tara instead!
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Ebby welcomed her first litter, she was bred to Loki and had a beautiful litter of five.  We’re co-owning a black and tan girl now known as Chai with Jewelcroft Cavaliers. 
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Cute little red trouble
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My puppies love to garden!
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Molly’s little boys lounging in the shade.  They were known here as Rocky and Rusty but now have the names of Tucker and Ramsey
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Molly’s daughter Raven, hoping she’ll make her way into the show ring some day
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That’s it for now, if you are coming to the specialty show in June, make sure you stop by our tent and say hi!