I had big plans today. Plans to go visit some good friends of mine in London and ring in the New Year with black cherry rum, thai food, an owed combined Birthday and Christmas present and a lot of fun and laughs. As we all know sometimes even the best of plans don’t work out. Her gifts will have to wait, and our black cherry rum will keep until the next time.

I have a horrible, rotten, disgusting, cold. I’ve had it for six days now and yesterday, and today have been the worst so far. My normal remedies of living on cough and cold medication and dristan just isn’t cutting it. I plain feel awful. It has to get better sooner rather than later right?

So instead of being in London I am at home tonight. I’m at home in comfy pajamas, surrounded in quilts, the humidifier running full steam, and spending New Years with my dogs on the couch. A wonderful second option in this case.

We will watch the cheesy New Years specials, maybe a girly movie or two, and probably be sleeping long before midnight.

Zo is thrilled with this change of events as it means I will be home to play with her, taken earlier this evening;





and Mylee.. well Mylee already has the right idea

Sleeping this well just doesn’t happen with a horrible cold, I am jealous.

Have a happy, safe, and healthy New Year.