Grooming a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

95% of the time Molly lives at the farm with my parents. She flies through the fields collecting every bit of dirt, and dust she can. She rolls on the deck, jumps through the snow, and chases birds, and squirrels. She loves living on the farm and takes her duty of...

The 2011 Purina National

Every March, the red carpet’s come out, and the stage is set for Canada’s most prestigious dog show, the Purina National. A Canadian Kennel Club charity event hosted by Purina, the show attracts dogs from all over Canada, and the United States.The main...

Bath Time

It’s bad enough that we had to have a bath tonight. Then she went and got the camera out. Always pure doggy abuse around here. Will you come save us? We even got our teeth brushed, ears cleaned and nails trimmed. Life is rough! Molly looking cute and clean! If...