My free days and spare time just seem to fly by lately. I can’t find enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I want to.

Gardens and yard work to do, more boxes to unpack, dogs to bath, sewing to finish, pictures to hang, never ending school work; my list is huge.

This past weekend was no exception. I almost need a weekend to recover from the weekend!

Pictures usually say it best so here is a snapshot of what went on at my house this weekend.

Lots of yard work. Zoey helped cut the grass.

She has been green before after the lawn was cut; but never quite this green. Even her chest hair was green!
a href=”” target=”_blank”>Photobucket>

Plant and flower shopping! Lilacs, burning bushes, marigolds, purple pansies, impatiens, for someone who doesn’t particularly enjoy gardening I definitely had fun picking out some easy things to start with.

I wish I had of taken a starting picture of our front flower bed. It was overgrown and in need of desperate attention. This is my first attempt at a real front flower bed. I’m pretty proud of myself even if it is basic from a gardening point of view.

I still have 3 large beds in front that need some attention and colour. I think I better learn how to fall in love with gardening.

The highlight of my weekend was our black and tan princess – Mysticmoon’s Danika (Can Ch. Rabymar Adonis x Can Ch. Burbrook Rebecca’s Last Fling) bred by Karen Murray (Mysticmoon Cavaliers) was shown at the Kitchener Waterloo Kennel Club by my good friend Marianne Creary (Cempa Cavaliers)

Molly took winners bitch and best of opposite sex, going over a special for the win. She took reserve winners bitch with a strong entry in the second show of the day. She looked beautiful, and for me it was a wonderful experience seeing our dog transforming under the guidance of someone else.

When I show Molly she is very serious and all business. She is focused so hard on trying to please me that she forgets she should be having fun. If she was a German shepherd it would be very desirable. Cavaliers though are supposed to be having a tail wagging fun time in the ring!

With Marianne, Princess Molly discovered that the show ring is fun. We also discovered the magic bait.

I’m kicking myself for not bringing my camera. I wanted to focus on the show and watch my girl carefully. I often miss quite a bit while trying to get the perfect shot.

Hopefully we will have many more opportunities to get some pictures of the princess in action!