Thank you to everyone who entered the first ever Embee Cavaliers giveaway. It was definitely a smashing success!

I am excited to announce that everyone who commented with what they will use one of our folders for will receive one in the mail along with a snood.


MY Becky, so stealing this girl! Photo courtesy of Bark’n About

Health and education are so deeply important to me. Not all value the impact and strength of like minds collaborating together on one subject through the internet.

The protective barriers that used to exist between cavalier owners, breeders and fanciers are no longer. Through the internet transparency, education and dedication are what takes their place. The power is truly in all of our hands. By collaborating together we can make a difference. The health and future of our breed depend on it.

To all those who entered by commenting and letting me know what you would use one of our folders for:

  • Email me with your full name and mailing address, embeecav at gmail dot com
  • Include your cavaliers name and two of their favourite colours
  • I will not be contacting you if you do not contact me, make sure to email me and let me know!

Looks like I will be busily making more snoods this week!

My email is embeecav at gmail dot com

In return I would love to receive a picture of your cavalier with one of our folders and their new snood on. If I get enough I would LOVE to post them in an update. (I can’t help it, I love seeing cute pictures of cavaliers…especially in snoods)


The beautiful Miss Kodee – Photo courtesy of Bark’n About

Thank you again to all. Cavalier owners truly rock.