As a self-taught hobby photographer the most uncomfortable part of the entire process is sharing my work with others.

Along my photography journey i’ve discovered that people can be very sensitive about photos being shared. I’ve learned to always respect the privacy of others and never share a photo of a person online without their permission. I’ve also discovered that the same can be true about dogs, people do not always appreciate having photos of their dogs shared online.

One of the promises I made to myself at the beginning of the year was to try and share more photos.

Its a never ending internal battle with myself; share more photos, get worried about the photos not being of my own dogs, admire all the beautiful photos i’ve taken, close the computer and not do anything.

In this post 2011- That’s a wrap I promised, promised myself to get over it. Being its the first of May I thought I had better keep to that promise.

As always if anyone has issue with the photos appearing on this blog please contact me directly.  The watermark “Embee Cavaliers” simply means I took the photo.  It does not claim ownership or breedership to the dogs presented. 

Kady, Baxter, and Dini: Getting a decent photo with three of my own dogs is hard enough, try dogs that belong to someone else!  I think this shot turned out pretty cute though.  
Meet Dini.  She’s a spit-fire of the best kind and reminds me so much of Zoey as a puppy.  I love her to bits even if she is baaaaaad and keeps her owner and breeder Joan MacIntyre VERY busy.
Beautiful Kady
This sweet girl is Woodmere’s Princess Tara.  Tara is 9 years old and is heart and MRI clear.  She is our Sadie’s great great Grandmother!

Rupert one of Tara’s sons who was visiting from Ottawa

Fiz!  Can you guess who this puppy is related to?  Bred by Norma Moffat, Brinklow Cavaliers.
Ali, Fiz’s litter sister.  She has been coming out to handling classes and turning into quite the little show puppy with her spunky attitude.

This very handsome fellow is Burbrook Storm Chaser..

“Chase” bred by Peggy Wallace and owned by Carol Rose and Darlene Petralia.  Chase and his sister Annie, Burbrook Storm Warning, were recently shown at the ACKSC National Speciality in Wisconsin with amazing results.  A very big congratulations to their owners, and breeder on their incredible accomplishments.


And of course no photo share would be complete without sharing some pictures of my own girls!  I seem to have a thing for bath photos. 

Say dee dee (Sadie), growing up and doing very well.


My gorgeous Mylee


Molly says pfft enough is enough!


To spring flowers and showers.  Happy May 1st!