This week has been absolutely crazy for me!

The CKCSCC and MBVS held another joint MRI clinic on Friday for breeding dogs. We MRI’d a total of 10 dogs on Friday with 8 of them belonging to breeders who had never went through our Club process with MBVS. Jane and her staff at Matheson Blvd Veterinary Services were excellent as always. Fingers and toes crossed for some favourable results. I do think we are starting to see results from informed breeding decisions…at least here with those who are taking part in our low cost scheme for breeders.

Saturday was spent getting Molly ready for her first show. We worked on the table, a bit on lead outside, and gave her a bath. This is my favourite part of showing. Actually working and being with a cavalier. The bond you develop through training and the time spent with a dog is so important for any breed. The thrill of working to accomplish a common goal regardless of what it is.. that is the fun part. When it is all said and done the bonus is that you have a very well mannered, well socialized, and happy cavalier in almost any situation.

Molly did awesome at her first show. We didn’t win anything major but she had a blast and has decided that showing is wonderful. She is a little girl full of attitude and life. It really didn’t surprise me to see that she enjoyed herself in the ring but it was also a sigh of relief. Not all dogs enjoy being in the ring. She showed her opinion of things by leaping in joy down and back on the diagonal with her tail going like mad the entire time. It would of course be better if she’d keep herself on four legs while walking nicely down the aisle but for me I laughed at her enthusiasm of things and hopefully next time she can contain her enjoyment just a bit! My mother and sister came down to collect their girl on Monday. I think someone was greatly missed at the Farm.

My good friend David took this picture of Molly after the show when she was relaxing out in the sunshine. I always love his pictures and i’m so fortunate he enjoys shooting my dogs. I’ve learned a lot from him regarding my camera and the books he has leant me. I’d still be lost with my camera without him.

Shes squinting a bit.. the sun is bright!

I also wanted to report back on the Thundershirt and Zo. I’d just like to say one thing about it. It is completely AWESOME and Zo did about 90% better in the car just by wearing it! I was pretty skeptical even knowing the theory behind it. I am so thankful it worked for us. Now I just hope it continues improving. I haven’t had her in the car since we went to Debbie’s. Very high praises here for the Thundershirt. I thought I’d maybe make them a before and after video and send it to them. It really was truly amazing and I think she is/was more anxious than their poster dog for car anxiety. Leave it to Zo to take things to the extreme! That little shirt is going to get a lot of wear.

My last news for now is pretty exciting. Miss Zo has decided with all the hormonal girls in her life that she should come into season too..approximately a month and a half before her normal of just over 6 approaching 7 months between. We’ve had Presley in season here, she was around Becky who is in season, and Molly came into season as well. Hormonal girls everywhere. Whatever happened I’m taking it as a sign to go ahead and try to breed Zo. She is giving me enough time to let her be pregnant and raise well socialized healthy puppies before returning to school in mid January. Hopefully she will throw a beautiful tri colour or blenheim girl in the mix for us to keep. That is what I want out of this litter.

I am once again going to Riely “Woodmere’s What a Dreammaker”. I had originally thought that I would try to use his sire who has *so* many good things about him including health. However I am not so sure that Zo does not have some reproductive issues like her Mom had. It does not make sense for me to invest in a breeding away from home when I realistically have no idea if she will actually conceive. My hopes are high but the reality of it is she has a high percentage chance of missing again. I will invest that money in progesterone testing, a thyroid test and a few other things so I can monitor her throughout her season. Riely has the same good things going for him that his sire does. He has an impeccable health record of both MVD and SM with many clear dogs behind him. Both Riely’s and Zo’s parents are still heart clear which is important to me to follow the MVD breeding protocol.

A picture i’ve shared before that I took of this beautiful boy


He also compliments Zo very well in her structure. The areas that she is very weak in structurally are Riely’s strongest points. My hope is that they will compliment each other in their offspring. Zo is due on her MVD testing. I really wasn’t planning on trying to breed her again this year so I wasn’t in a hurry to get it done. She is only *just* over the year mark. I have her booked to go to the Cardiologist next week. These girls really do have their own plans! She will complete that before I breed her.

Riely will be staying here for a the duration. He was dropped off yesterday and I will get to have the chance of learning the “boy” side of things. I’m very familiar with it in terms of horses and cattle. I do not have too much experience with dogs. There are some amazing helpful people near me so I know that I will have help if I need it. Zo is no where near being interested in him at the moment. She lets him sniff her and check her out but that is about it. If last time is any indication she will be a very late to ovulate once again. Mylee is happy to once again have a cuddle buddy. It always amuses me how she can convince the visitor to come curl up with her in a little donut bed that really is the right size for one cavalier rather than two! I will get a picture of them when my camera batteries finish charging.

Here are some random pictures I wanted to share.

Another beautiful picture that David took of Mylee. I just love how the sun is reflecting on her and her expression. It is more true Mylee in the face. I have such a hard time shooting rubies and black and tans. They never look quite like themselves in pictures. This one really *looks* like Mylee. I love it.

Here is a puppy picture Karen sent to me of Molly. It is *so* her. You can see the mischief and zest for life in her face.

Another puppy picture of Molly and her sisters that I took while meeting them for the first time. I may be wrong at this but from looking at it left to right.. Molly, Sammie, and Deana. Correct me if I’m wrong on that Karen!