I’m still busy trying to finish redoing this website.  It’s been a lot of work but things are slowly coming together.  You’ll notice updates in the Our Dogs section and I uploaded Zoey’s video under Rainbow bridge.  Things are so different here without her, I miss her demanding adorable self.  I also spent the better part of this afternoon putting together videos for our annual Embee Fam Jams.  I’m all caught up to 2017!

The other section that I’ve been working on is Embee Champions and Titleholders, many of our dogs are active showing in conformation, performance, and other dog sports.  Their owners have worked hard on their achievements and they really do deserve a section on their own.  I’m missing some photos so I’ll update it again when I have everything collected.

Ruffi at Fam Jam 2017


Molly and Ebby looking devilish at Embee Fam Jam 2017

Since the end of August we’ve had a visitor that I’ve been showing.  Secret is Ruffi’s sister and lives with my friend Sheryl in New Hampshire.  While she’s been here, I’ve been trying to get her Canadian Championship Very pleased to share that we were successful and that Secret is now officially known as CH Embee’s Lady Luck at Mileslip.  Sometimes wholecolours take awhile to get their conformation titles, judges tend to prefer particolours and it makes it more difficult to be recognized.  No problems this time!  Secret finished by going Best of Opposite Sex at the Trillium Dog Fanciers in Lindsay, ON.  This makes the 4th black and tan Champion for Molly (CH Mysticmoon’s Danika).


The annual Cavalier Fanciers of Southern Ontario heart and eye clinic was held on October 15 at Graham Animal hospital.  Along with volunteering to put in eye drops and manage appointments, I also brought Loki, Ruffi, Ebby, Molly and Secret for their annual heart and eye checks.  Very pleased that everyone had a good day of results and I’m especially thrilled that Loki and Ebby officially have their over 5 heart clearance.  50% of Cavaliers will have a heart murmur by the time they are 5, so this really is an important milestone for a breeding dog.  Our heart protocol dictates that parents must be murmur free at 2.5 and their parents must be murmur free at over 5 years of age. Mission accomplished for these two.

I earned that cookie! ~ Ebby


Treats please ~ Loki


This weekend Ruffi, Mylee and I went and did a photoshoot with Attor Studio and Sean at Equal Opportunity.  They helped model dog beds and carriers that were made by women in developing countries from materials that would otherwise be in landfills.  The beds and carriers were super cute and I was very proud of my girls.  They rocked their photo shoot.  Mylee of course normally loves the camera but I was most impressed with Ruffi.  She was the perfect little lady and did everything they asked and more.  Good girls.  I hope to see and share photos from their project soon.  I wish I had taken more while I was there!

Ruffi modelling a dog carrier for Equal Opportunity