Embee Blogs (rarely)

Puppy love

At the end of May we welcomed two litters born within a few days of each other.  I don’t usually breed two girls so close together but the timing was right.  We much prefer to have warm weather puppies here so that they are able to go outside and enjoy the nicer weather.  Half sister’s Lolly and Ebby both free whelped their puppies and have been fantastic Momma’s ever since.  They are now 5 and 5 and a half weeks old, right at that super cute snuggling stage. Since Lolly’s were born over Victoria Day Long weekend with a royal wedding happening the same weekend, they all have royal names.


This little girl is Tori, she reminds me so much of her Momma Lolly, just in another colour.





Rose has the sweetest little temperament, very happy and outgoing



Anne is our bully at the moment, big, strong, athletic, confident and BOSSY.  She’s always on the go!



Harry is our little guy.  He was born half the size of his littermates and struggled to gain weight.  I was just going to start supplementing him with tube feedings when I decided to try and see if Ebby would nurse him.  Ebby is a bit of a “helicopter mom” and her two rubies were born very large and strong.  She was so full of milk and there was way more room for little Harry without being squished out by his bigger siblings.  It worked, Ebby fed Harry for the next 3 weeks as her own.  He’s still smaller than everyone but doing great so far.



Will is very sweet and laid back.  He loves a good snuggle and is very much a go with the flow kind of guy.



4 days later we had our two rubies born.  We named them Ron and Ginny and of course they had their adopted little brother Harry.   Ron reminds me a lot of Daddy Reese, while Ginny looks a lot like her Momma just in a ruby jacket.  We’re thrilled to have both of them.




All puppies are spoken for and I am not taking inquiries at the moment.  We’re just sharing because…cute puppy pictures!

Our trip to Chicago and the ACKCSC National Specialty

The few days leading up to our departure for Chicago were very stressful.  I was in the midst of organizing an MRI clinic for Cavalier breeders that was going to be held the day before we wanted to leave for the show.  As we started to pack and finalize plans, the weather forecast started to become really concerning.  The forecasters were calling for an ice storm of historic proportions.  It quickly became apparent on Saturday as weather models finalized that we had to leave immediately or risk not arriving to the show for several days later. 



After getting home from an early morning trip to London, Norma and I, Rex, Ruffi, Lexi, and Taz quickly packed the car and managed to get on the road by Saturday at 2pm.  In our area the weather was already very nasty.  There was freezing rain everywhere and lots of accidents.  Just to the south east though was still unaffected by weather, if we could make it 30 minutes in that direction and change our trip to go around the lake in the long direction we’d be just fine. We made it to Cleveland that night and met up with our travelling friends for the week, Joanne and Sara.  The drive on Sunday was through a lot of cold and heavy rain, the dogs would end up coming back to the car soaking wet and shivering after our potty breaks.. I should have packed their jammies but they were happy to be snuggled into their warm crates for the journey.

The show itself was wonderful as always.  For anyone who is new to the breed and thinking about becoming involved, it’s the perfect opportunity to connect with breeders and see some beautiful examples of our breed.  I was very proud of my dogs and how they handled the trip.  Ruffi is a seasoned traveller at this point but it was the first time I’ve taken Lexi and Taz on a trip away from home for that long.  Everyone quickly settled into hotel life. 

How to potty 4 dogs and return the baggage carrier at the same time


Monday afternoon was Puppy Sweepstakes.  Taz and Lexi had their first opportunity to go into the show ring.  Taz is my perfect little show man, he knows exactly what the game is and shows so well for his age.  Lexi on the other hand…. let’s just say it’s a work in progress.  Taz placed third in his large junior puppy dog class.  I was thrilled with the placement and most importantly how he showed and handled himself.  Lexi pulled me around the ring and spent most of the time on her two hind feet.  Wild woman!  

Taz and MB in Sweeps, photo courtesy of Dr. John Ioia, Barjon Cavaliers


Good boy Tazman!


That afternoon I attended the ACKCSC judging seminar with Ruffi that was put on by the club.  They had a Cavalier that fit well within breed standard for each colour so that judges could have a visual representation of standard during the seminar.  It’s sole purpose is to educate judges that are attempting to complete their license or wanting to further understand our breed.  I have started the process of becoming a judge myself and understand how important these seminars are to educate on specific standards and the finer nuances of breed type.   

Standing patiently during the presentation on standards given by Dr. John Ioia (Barjon Cavaliers) and Tina Sterling (Holyoke Cavaliers). Photo courtesy of Dr. John Ioia (Barjon Cavaliers)


Tuesday was the start of the official dog classes.  Taz showed in the morning and received 4th in his class among some very nice puppies.  In the afternoon Rex had his turn and Norma showed him beautifully to a 4th place in his class.

What? You haven’t seen a puppy with his giant ribbons on a hotel desk before?


Wednesday was the girls turn.  Lexi showed SO much better.  No placement in a huge junior puppy bitch class but her but her much improved behaviour in the ring was a major win in our books!   In the afternoon Ruff showed like her usual rock star self and was 3rd in open black and tan bitches.  The judge Charlie Fippin and I were channeling somewhat similar wardrobe vibes but her photo turned out gorgeous as usual.  So proud to own and have bred this girl. 


Thursday was the Best of Breed competition and a rest day for us.  We spent the day watching beautiful dogs ringside and not having to worry about showing our own.  We’d make up for that sitting around though on Friday where we showed all 4 in the regional specialty under judge Michael Forte.  Taz placed 4th in the junior puppy dog class and Ruffi was 2nd in the open black and tan bitch class. 

Getting ready, can you spot the tired dogs snoozing in the trolley underneath?


Success! Good girl Ruffi


Saturday we were all exhausted and packed the car early to get on the road and come home. The trip home was shorter, thanks to not having horrible weather to deal with.  It was a fantastic but tiring week of beautiful dogs and good friends.  I am thankful everyday for the journey that my Cavaliers take me on.  I’ve met so many wonderful people and getting to share this incredible breed with others is just the very best. My dogs were thrilled to get home and take advantage of Norma’s huge fenced in field for a good run/roll/swim.  So much for my clean and pampered show dogs!  Muddy, wet, and tired,  gotta love it. 


Our next major show will be at the end of June for the Cavalier Fanciers of Southern Ontario regional specialty.  If you are in the area and want to come and watch/see some beautiful dogs, you are more than welcome!  I’ll also be judging my first sanction match on Friday June 8th, in Orono and there might be some exciting news to share later next week. Keep your fingers and paws crossed!

Fun in NY

In February Ruffi and I travelled to the Big Apple with a couple of good friends.  In the days leading up to the famous Westminster Kennel Club show, the city hosts breed specialty shows in hotels nearby.  While Westminster is a lot of fun and certainly holds the prestige and excitement, I actually prefer going to the specialty shows prior to the big event. It’s just an easier way of seeing all the dogs and connecting with friends while you are there.

Ruff and I flew from Pearson to La Guardia, she’s a pro at the travel thing. 

Catching some Zzz’s before our flight

Her travel buddy for the week was a beautiful blenheim boy named Stuart who is owned by my good friends Marianne Creary and Carol Rose.  After bossing him around and making sure he knew that she was for the week, they ended up good friends.  Neither one was excited about having to wear boots or hats up to the potty area.  Ruffi in general was absolutely disgusted about the bathroom situation, a balcony/patio with turf is just not her thing!

You’ve got to be kidding

She showed beautifully and I was happy with the outcome.  She was 4th in a very competitive open bitch class at Progressive  and at the Meadowlands Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club specialty ended up winning the open black and tan bitch class.  I was pleased, she still wasn’t in completely full coat from having her puppies in July. 

The next few photos were provided by my good friend Beci (@millys.on.missions.with.ramsay) who was at the show.  We’ve known each other on Instagram for awhile but it was the first time we met in person.  Thank you for the photos, I absolutely adore them! 

Love this movement shot of her!


Big smiles!


Sticking her tongue out at judge Cesar Cortes


Looking pretty flashy Miss Ruff!

After the show was over we investigated the potty situation at Hotel Pennsylvania.  Ruffi wasn’t super impressed although she did manage a spot suitable for a quick pee. 

Potty business in NYC

When we weren’t showing dogs, we were shopping!  This is Spandex World where all 3 of us managed to find fabric to buy.  I can’t wait to make a few coats with my purchases. 

So much spandex

We also spent a wonderful mild evening at a get together.  They had a private balcony and the views were beautiful.  It was about 15 C, so unseasonably warm for NYC. 


Until next time New York!

We’re now getting ready to head to Chicago for the American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club’s National Specialty.  Norma and I are driving down with Ruffi, Rex, Taz, and Lexi.  It’s going to be a fantastic week to connect with friends and see some beautiful dogs.