Well this update has been a long time coming but wow what a week and weekend! I think I am still recovering from all of the excitement and the show day. I know my skin is as I was pretty badly sun burnt from taking pictures even with sunscreen on. It was worth it though. 🙂

Over 90 dogs competed in the Specialty held at Brinklow Hill in Campbellville Ontario. After having an extremely wet and soggy setup the Saturday before the show it was mostly all rained out by the time we got started. As the show progressed we experienced everything weather wise from over cast, extreme humidity, occasional nice breezes, sunshine, and at the very end of the day some rain. The specialty was judged by Miss Maritza Morrison with the kennel affix Lewisisle. Overall she did a wonderful job and we are looking forward to having her critiques of the day soon.

As you all know I’ve been working hard with a very special girl to me.. Mysticmoon’s Dancing Queen (Becky) getting ready for this show. We were slightly disappointed to find out on the day that it was just Becky and I in a class of one. Regardless all of our hard work had certainly paid off as Becky behaved herself and performed beautifully in the ring with me. The judge awarded us first place in our class. Even though Becky was the only one in her class a first place award does not necessarily have to be given out if the judge feels that it lacks merit or unwarranted. It doesn’t happen often, however it has happened at our Specialty shows in the past. I’m sure the entire crowd heard my sigh of relief as I accepted our first place ribbon graciously. I don’t think there would be anything quite as embarrassing as not winning in your class of one!

We went later into the ring to compete for Winners Bitch and Reserve Winners Bitch where I felt she performed even better for me in the ring. She did not take WB or RWB but it would have been highly unlikely given the level of competition in the ring at that point. I am so thrilled with this girl and if given the opportunity I would love to show her again. We will see what the summer brings. 🙂 I’d like to give a huge thank you to her owners Debbie and David Souch for letting me worth with their girl and drive her to handling classes for me, and letting me invade their home to practice and work with her. It has been a fun journey that I think we have all benefited from. Dogs and people both!

The main results of the CFSO show are, courtesy of The Cavalier Fanciers of Southern Ontario;

Best of Breed:
# 99 Ch. Timberridge Lil Sister (Bl)
Best Opposite Sex:
# 96 Stonehaven’s Muddy Waters (B & T)
Best of Winners:
# 74 Orchard Hill Never Say Never (Tri)
Best Puppy In Show:
# 30 Karlee Peglen Rumbunctous (Bl)
Best Canadian Bred & Best Bred By Exhibitor:
#39 Ch. Cempa Carly Who’s So Vain (Bl)
Judge’s Award of Merits:
# 15 Ch. Shirmont Rhapsody in Blue
# 30 Ch. Cempa Carly Who’s So Vail (Bl)

A more comprehensive list of winners can be found at the following link;
Show Results

Now for the part that most people are probably wanting to see. The pictures! I took over 300 pictures of the day and got some pretty good shots. I can definitely see my photography has improved with my camera between last year and this year. Unfortunately I have no pictures of the show after the 12-18 month old bitch class where Becky and I competed, and none of the Specials.. Best of Breed, Best of Winners Etc as I was asked very late in the day to handle during that class. Here are some of my favourite shots that I did get though.

One of my favourite parts of the show is the Oldtimer’s Fun Match and the Veterans. These are dogs that are between 7-9 years of age, and 9 and up. You can really tell how some of them LOVE to show and are enjoying every minute of being in the ring.

All of the over 9’s together

Onto the young guys…

I wish I could handle as well as this young girl and her dog!

Cempa’s President’s Choice

A Barrington puppy working hard in the ring!

One of the Brinklow Crew

Beautiful movement

The Princess on her throne, relaxing before her class.

In the ring while the judge was making her comments. A big thank you to Gwenne August for the picture.

Our class prize. All class winners received two beautiful wine classes that are engraved with a silhouette of a cavalier and the CFSO 20th Anniversary. We also received a bottle of wine that was bottled here in Ontario by our own talented winemaker herself Peggy Wallace at Burbrook Cavaliers Mylee wanted to help model the picture.

As customary at the end of our specialty we always hold a raffle of sorts. Almost everyone contributes something big or small to a huge prize table and then tickets are drawn at the end of the day and you can pick something off the table in order of the tickets been drawn. It is a great and fun way to fund raise money for the Club. Like usual I spend about $30.00 in tickets and if I am lucky I win one thing off the table. This year like usual I didn’t win anything off the table, however my good friend Bonnie Sands at Jewelcroft Cavaliers has much better luck than I do.

I’m still not sure why she gave me her winning ticket for the draw table but I am still OVERJOYED about it. On the table there was a beautiful book set donated by Judy MacArthur of Carriagehill Cavaliers. Some of you may recognize this book set. It is the Presentation Set: The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: A Tribute in Art written by Barbara Garnette Wilson. This is a book set that any cavalier owner would love to have in their collection. It is something that I have been wanting for a very long time, just never had the money to splurge for. With that winning ticket from my good friend Bonnie I knew exactly what I wanted off the table!

Zoey and Mylee wanted in on the picture this time.

I can’t thank Bonnie and Judy enough for their kindess. The books and the story behind them will be very treasured and loved in my home.

I think that is about it for my very long winded update. Next up for the CFSO? Putting together our CKCSCC National Speciality which this year is going to be held in Woodstock Ontario. I am planning to attend with my camera and of course will be very active once again in helping our club get ready for it. I also might be showing that special black and tan girl i’ve gotten to know so well. We will see, that will be up to her owners!