Embee cavaliers is proud to introduce Mysticmoon’s Danika (now known as Molly) to our family fur crew. Molly is a year old black and tan girl from my good friend Karen Murray at Mysticmoon Cavaliers. Some of you may recognize her as Becky’s full litter sister. 🙂

Karen is someone I have come to greatly admire for her commitment to cavalier health, education, research, and producing beautiful ambassadors of the cavalier breed. We thank her *so* much for entrusting my family with this beautiful little girl. Molly will live with my parents, sister Julie, and brother Jon and be the resident farm greeter. Farm life is never dull and boring with people constantly coming and going. This will be a perfect task for this very social and outgoing little girl!

As most of you who have been reading my blog know I am working towards becoming more involved with showing and breeding cavaliers. This so far has proved to be quite challenging for me due to some uncertainties and future plans in my life including returning to school in January for a full time Public Relations Post Graduate program. There just hasn’t been room in my life to start all of things I want to do in Cavaliers. When I decided to try and breed Zoey one of my plans was to keep a girl and give it to my Mom. My Mom and Zoey get along so well that I knew it would be a wonderful fit in my head, and my Mom would greatly enjoy having a cavalier.

With Zoey having her false pregnancy, and the loom of time on my shoulders it let me re think my future plans. The past few months would have been perfect for me to have a litter. Zo obviously had other plans! Now with her due to come into season in the fall and life about to happen at the same time, I am pretty sure that I will not be breeding Zo in the future. I will not bring a litter of puppies into the world that I wouldn’t be able to give my full attention to. Puppies and a full time intensive post grad program do not sound like a good mix to me! By the time I finish school and life is more stable Zo will be quickly approaching five years of age. Equivalent to that of a 40+ year old woman trying to get pregnant for the first time. A reproductive disaster waiting to happen. It’s not something that I am comfortable putting her through.

Now with Molly in our lives I hope that I will have a future to start with when I am more stable to do so. In the meantime I will show her, do all of her health clearances, hopefully finish her championship, and enjoy seeing my family members have the opportunity to experience having a cavalier in their lives.

Here are some pictures my sister took of her first few days at the farm. A new bed, and some new toys.. someone is a lucky girl! I still haven’t replaced my lens for my camera. I can’t wait to get get some pictures of this girl with my camera.

Enjoying her new bed, farm life is tiring!

Having a bath

Pretty girl

A new fur toy, a hedgehog?

I definitely like him!

A yellow squeaky thing