Ruffi has some exciting news to share!

At one of the last big shows of the year held at the International Centre, she officially became known as CH Embee’s Raising the Stakes, CGN.  Riff Raff finished her Championship in grand style going Best of Opposite sex over a very competitive entry including 4 female specials, the judge was Desmond Murphy.  It was such a large entry because our regional club having a booster, so not only did she finish her championship she got to take home some wonderful swag too!  She is the third black and tan Champion from our Molly and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

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Ruffi says we’ve still got lots of work to do because she wants to finish her rally novice title and possibly do some more agility when the weather warms up again. What a life this girl lives. 

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And I adored her from the start.
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