This little lady would like to announce her new name;  “Lexi”. For the first time ever, I decided to do a re-name on one of my animals.  It’s definitely more weird for me than it is her, she already knows it… little smartie pants.  The issue was that most people were having trouble saying it and would ask over and over what it was, so Lexi it is.  The name Lexi is a bit sentimental for me as Zoey was almost named Lexi many years ago.  I think it suits a fiery little red head.

Not phased with having a new name


Lexi, looking pretty cute!


A few weeks ago I was approached by Sean Kelly of Equal Opportunity about a charity project he was doing for Mother Earth.  They were looking for a couple of well behaved cavaliers for a photo shoot.  They needed to help model dog beds and bags that had been made from recycled materials by women in developing countries.  Mylee of course was the perfect girl for the job and I figured Ruffi would enjoy doing the shoot as well.  We made our way to Attor Studio in Toronto and spent 40 minutes doing photos with their photographer.  I was so proud of my girls, they did a fantastic job.  Here are a few photos that they shared with me.

Ruffi and Mylee looking adorable!


Mylee doing her thing, she loves having her picture taken


Ruffi modelling the carrier bag, such a good girl


Rockin’ it!


Ruffi out modelling the model <3


Website updates are still in progress but i’m getting there.  I unfortunately had to remove the feature slider as it was having trouble resizing based on monitor size.  It looked fantastic on my widescreen office monitors but downstairs on my little laptop it didn’t work.  I ended up going back to the original large header photo that I will change on occasion.  I hope to have my health page up soon and I will be listing some of my sewing items for sale in the next few days.