A name change and my model girls

This little lady would like to announce her new name;  “Lexi”. For the first time ever, I decided to do a re-name on one of my animals.  It’s definitely more weird for me than it is her, she already knows it… little smartie pants.  The...

More updates

I’m still busy trying to finish redoing this website.  It’s been a lot of work but things are slowly coming together.  You’ll notice updates in the Our Dogs section and I uploaded Zoey’s video under Rainbow bridge.  Things are so...

Let’s Play!

My website overhaul and re-do is well under way.  There are still quite a few pages that need updating but I’m trying to do a few each day. Ruffi’s puppies turned 10 weeks old this week and are doing fantastic. They all visited the Ophthalmologist today...

Buying a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy

This is version 2.0 of our popular post written in 2011 on how to buy a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy from a breeder.  It’s mostly the same post with a few things changed and revised.  Yeah, yeah, you’ve heard it all before.. “Do your...

Website redesign and cleanup

You probably have noticed that things here have been a bit of a mess.  My poor neglected website was in desperate need of updates to begin with and then Photobucket went and royally screwed things up for it’s long time users.  They seemingly disabled 3rd...